Aboriginal Ranger Program applications invited

Aboriginal rangers are playing an important part in the conservation of national parks and reserves in Western Australia. Through sharing knowledge, participating in education programs and creating immersive experiences they are building cultural awareness as well as supporting tourism.

Since its introduction in 2017-18, the State Government’s Aboriginal Ranger Program has resulted in the employment of 189 rangers. More than half are women.

Expressions of interest have been called for the third round of funding under this program managed by the WA Parks and Wildlife Service within the Department of Biodiversity, Conservations and Attractions. Under the program, new and existing Aboriginal organisations can train and employ rangers to carry out land and sea management and tourism activities across a range of tenures in remote and regional WA.

Examples of activities include:

  • biodiversity monitoring and research
  • traditional knowledge transfer
  • fire management
  • cultural site management
  • feral animal and weed management
  • cultural awareness and immersion experiences for visitors
  • guided welcome to country tours and talks for visitors
  • management of visitors or tourist education programs

Expressions of interest are open until March 27, 2020. The application form and Aboriginal Ranger Program guidelines are available at http://www.dbca.wa.gov.au/aboriginalrangerprogram