Bouquet for wildflower workshop

Congratulations are due to our good friends at FACET (Forum Advocating Cultural and Eco Tourism) on the success of their recent Wildflower Workshop at Frasers State Reception Centre, Kings Park.

Jacqueline Pemberton

The theme of this well organised, well attended and enjoyable event targeting the tourism industry was: Capitalising on Western Australia’s Unique Flora.

FACET Chair Ryan Mossny was the MC for a wide-ranging program that included topics such as:

  • the Coral Coast’s integrated approach to marketing wildflowers
  • creative design that celebrates WA’s rich native flora
  • an Aboriginal cultural perspective of the native flora as bush tucker and medicine throughout the Noongar six seasons
  • industry best practice in park interpretation
  • a collaborative tourism approach by local government and experiences
  • thinking outside the box in creating and marketing events that showcase our wildflowers; and
  • tailoring exciting, safe and comfortable tours in WA’s golden outback.

In his presentation “Around the State in 80 Garden Beds” Grady Brand, Senior Curator at Kings Park and Botanic Gardens, spoke about the role played by Kings Park in maximising visitor opportunities to experience the wonder of Western Australia’s wildflowers. The park attracted 5.4 million visitors in 2017-18.

Botanical and wildlife artist Jacqueline Pemberton’s love for the natural environment and her artistic talent were on show as an added attraction at the FACET wildflower workshop.