Camping with Custodians

Djarindjin Roadhouse and Campground

A campground at Djarindjin on the Dampier Peninsula in Western Australia’s North West has opened recently as the sixth in the Camping with Custodians (CWC) network.

CWC ‘s high-quality campgrounds are owned and run by Aboriginal people, creating income, employment and training opportunities for local communities.

Eight other Aboriginal tourism operators on the Dampier Peninsula, an area rich in Aboriginal history, have also been awarded funding to improve business capacity and visitor experiences.

Both initiatives are part of the Jina: WA Aboriginal Tourism Action Plan 2021-2025, which is funded by the State Government’s $20 million Aboriginal Tourism Fund, and delivered by Tourism WA.

The Jina Plan supports a range of initiatives including the development of new Aboriginal tourism experiences, training to help Aboriginal people to work in the tourism industry, and the development of administration and booking systems to support Aboriginal tourism businesses.

It was developed by Tourism WA and other government agencies, alongside the Western Australian Indigenous Tourism Operators Council and the Aboriginal tourism industry.

Watch the video about this exciting initiative here.

Mimbi Caves Campground with Girloorloo Tours, Fitzroy Crossing. Photo credit: Tourism Western Australia