FACET “Celebrating Our Parks” Conference

FACET (Forum Advocating Cultural and Ecotourism) held their annual conference in partnership with the WA Parks Foundation, the Parks & Wildlife Service of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and Tourism WA.

Her Excellency, the Hon Kerry Sanderson AC, opening address.

The conference delivered an exciting, informative and innovative program and provided a platform to raise awareness and appreciation of our unique and ancient landscapes. Her Excellency, the Hon Kerry Sanderson AC, showcased the establishment of the WA Parks Foundation and explained how the Foundation plans to support our parks, based on other similar parks foundations around the world. The speech can be viewed here.

International Key note speaker Theresa Pierno, President and CEO, US National Parks Conservation Association spoke on the importance and value of Park Foundations and shared her organisation’s strategic plans for ensuring national parks continue to be protected and have the resources and infrastructure they require to thrive in their second century after establishment.

The three-day event (9-11 October) attracted 123 delegates and speakers. The conference promoted connecting people with parks, celebrated Aboriginal culture and joint management programs, and explored ways to engage communities, visitors and business with WA’s parks and wildlife. Participants explored opportunities for communities to connect with parks. Highlights of the conference can be found on the WA Parks Foundation’s Facebook page (video highlights of  Reception, Day 1, Day 2).

FACET is an organisation dedicated to encouraging people to experience and enjoy our natural and cultural landscapes, FACET is delighted to be working with the newly established WA Parks Foundation to celebrate, promote, protect and enrich Our WA Parks.