Park tales: Bibbulmun Track End-to-End Odyssey

Jane and Mike Pelusy doing an End to End on the Bibbulmun track.
To be classified as an End-to-Ender you need to have walked the entire length of the Bibbulmun Track. Whether you do this in one go, or in stages over many years (a sectional end-to-end) makes no difference. It doesn’t matter if you walk some sections from north to south and others from south to north. The important thing is that you have walked every step of the way!
WA Parks Foundation has been following the adventures of Jane and Michael Pelusey as they undertake an End-To-End walk, which started 25 September 2017 at the Northern Terminus.
A few highlights of the track so far included:
September 28
Someone yesterday asked me why? So why are we doing the Bibbulmun Track… again. So, I spent much of today’s walk pondering this notion. And the reason I came up with other than
- challenge
- lifestyle
- people
- adventure
But here is the best reason. Last time we did the Bibbulmun 10 years ago, it changed our lives in so many ways. It was instrumental to where we are today. The mental challenge led me review all my fears. If I can do this what else can I take on. It led me to deciding to overcome my fear of public speaking. As soon as I got back I put it into action before I let the normal grind of life take over. I joined toastmasters and a week-long platform skills course to over come the fear. As well as speaking professionally locally, nationally and internationally, it led me to meet some very special people in my life. It also gave us lots of exciting work with Trails WA.
This isn’t just a long walk for us. It is who we are, who we have become and who we will be in the future.
October 1 – It’s day 7 on the Bibbulmun Track. We have come across some stunning sights. This spider web covered in raindrops glistening in the sunrise light proves that it’s not all about the big scenes.
October 9 – The first section is finished. 202kms done. Bit of rest in Dwellingup before we tackle the next stage…
October 10 – Music is the space between the notes. We actually call the musical spaces rests. This applies so much in our lives. It’s the spaces, pauses and rest in between that create the whole picture. Let’s take our Bibbulmun adventure for example. Many years ago Jane Thorson taught us on a survival course to walk for 45 minutes, then rest, packs off for five. This rest allows us to find a good resting log, our bodies to reset, to take in the environment around us. Refreshed we continue on. We rest each night at the shelters, refuel, hydrate, sleep. It is amazing how tired feet and legs repair overnight. We rest in towns, get to know a local town (I’m sitting in the Blue Wren Cafe in Dwellingup as we speak.) We rest to give us time to be grateful, appreciate what we are doing in life and refresh to keep going.
October 24 – Lately on our Bibbulmun Track journey there has been rain about and a bit gloomy. But when rain is quickly followed by sun, the transformation is beautiful and uplifting.
Follow their adventure with us through photos and reflections they are uploading along the way.