School hols – nature to the rescue

Ensuring that kids are active and engaged during the school holidays can be challenging at times, but help is at hand in the wide range of holiday programs put together by State, Local Government and community organisations.
The holiday programs built around enabling young people to experience and learn about the natural environment can be especially inspiring. The following are some examples and a search through the internet will locate others.
The Autumn program put together by Nearer to Nature (Parks and Wildlife Service, Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions) has some captivating ideas. Creepy Crawlies, for example, delving into worlds of insects and spiders, bushland bug hunts, learning to identify animal trails and understand camouflage.

Discovering tiny critters in the swamp and learning about scientific
identification techniques with Nearer to Nature
Educated by Nature’s KIN Village (Crawley, Hamilton Hill and Guildford is a ‘drop and leave’ school holiday program for 6–12-year-olds that allows children to freely explore their world and community with the support of Nature Educators and Mentors.
Nature Play WA is also presenting a lively and varied offering of holiday activities.