Event: ‘Plein Air’ art workshops in the Walpole Wilderness – Workshop 2: Watercolour Landscapes
The French term ‘plein air’ means out of doors and refers to the practice of painting entire finished pictures out of doors. Take a ‘plein air’ painting workshop with local artist/curator Dr Elizabeth Edmonds (Petrichor Gallery, Walpole) and be inspired by the wilderness. You’ll learn some of the natural history of the area, principles of ‘plein air’ landscape watercolour painting, tools of the trade to paint in the field and complete a number of small art pieces exploring colour palette, composition and techniques. A workshop for all ages and experience. BYO sketchbook/visual diary. See 6 October for details of Workshop 1.
Bookings essential by 4:00pm on 12th October via the Tree Top Walk.
For more information about Walpole-Nornalup National Park, click here.
- Walpole-Nornalup National Park WA