Event: Southern Flora Whicher Range Full-Day Tour

The Whicher Range Tour travels west of Bridgetown with stops at the Bridgetown Jarrah Park and the Dalgarup National Park to see the impressive wet eucalypt forest with tall karri, jarrah, marri and blackbutt trees. Then down to the Blackwood River at Nannup to explore the highly diverse jarrah forest of the Donnybrook Sunklands and Whicher National Park. Numerous stops are made to enjoy the colourful displays of tree hovea, hardenbergia, clematis, acacias and kennedia. Also featured are the ancient species of banksia, dasypogon, podocarpus and kingia, and many lesser known species of synaphea, grevillea, adenanthos, leucopogon and stylidium. Endemic birds including Western Thornbill, Western Rosella, Western Spinebill and the endangered White-tailed Black Cockatoo may be seen on the tour. Book at least one day ahead. Southern Flora full-day and half-day tours are also available to experience the wildflowers and birds of the jarrah and marri forest, karri forest and wandoo woodland in national parks and reserves surrounding Bridgetown.

Click here for all tour information.


Entry and/or ticket charges apply


Oct 05 2019


8:00 am - 5:00 pm

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