Explore: Birdlife WA’s morning excursion, Walyunga National Park
Meet at 8:00 am in the car park at the end of Walyunga Road (off Great Northern Highway, Upper Swan, near Bungara Pool).
If you have a National Parks pass, be sure to bring it with you. Otherwise, entry is $13 per vehicle or $7 per vehicle concession. You can become a member of the WA Parks Foundation, where you can save 50% on a Parks Pass and enter the National Parks of WA as often as you like in a 12 month period.
The National Park lies along the Darling Scarp. The Avon River bounds one part of the planned walk, which includes good areas of Wandoo, so we should see an excellent variety of birds. This walk should finish at about lunch time so bring lunch if you wish.
Click here for more information.
Contact BirdLife WA at wa@birdlife.org.au or (08) 9383 7749.