Explore: Urban Coast to River Guided Hike
Explore the history and heritage of Perth on our urban Coast to River guided hike on the Wardun Beelier Bidi. This trail makes up part of the Wadjuk Trail Network. Traverse 18km on this urban adventure, linking bushland with iconic Noongar and Heritage Trails and immerse yourself in the diverse landscape and natural settings. From sweeping ocean views at Cottesloe beach, to Devils Elbow Cave in Peppermint grove, marvel at raptors and waterbirds as you weave through ecological corridors of flora and fauna.
You will head to Buckland Hill Reserve, one of the highest points in Perth, which was used as an observation point by Willem de Vlamingh when he landed near Cottesloe Beach in 1696. Explore the history of the Leighton Battery bunker, with tunnel complexes and gun placements, before you reach Mudurup one of many points along the Perth Coastline where ceremonies relating to the Kuranup ( Noongar Heaven) took place, and a registered ceremonial site with mythological significance for Noongar people.
Book here.