The joys of spending time in nature: WA Parks Foundation Chair shares her thoughts

The delightful parkland at Kings Park’s Zamia Café was a perfect setting for WA Parks Foundation Chair, the Hon Kerry Sanderson’s recent chat with travel journalist Will Yeoman.

Bird calls and children’s laughter added to the ambience for the interview on the theme of why our parks are so important, perhaps now more than ever.

Picture: May Drive Parkland, Kings Park

Kerry spoke about the work being done by the Foundation in partnership with its government, corporate and community partners to ensure appreciation of and care for our parks, which are among Western Australia’s greatest assets.

She talked to Will about the diversity of our parks in terms of flora and fauna and in relation to the many types of parks and reserves we have in WA.

Will’s expansive article was published in The West Australian newspaper’s travel section on Saturday 23 May and his podcast of the interview is available here:

To listen to the podcast, click here.