Turtle monitoring in the Pilbara
Words from the Ningaloo Turtle Program
The 2016–17 Ningaloo Turtle Program (NTP) season is now underway in the Pilbara. Volunteers have arrived from all over the world to assist in monitoring turtle nesting activity along the North West Cape and so far are seeing plenty of turtle activity.
Already we’re seeing a lot of action both in and out of the water. It’s been an extremely early season for hatchlings this year. Their tell-tale tracks and the fat-bellied seagulls circling above has led many volunteers to emergence cones crawling with hatchlings scratching their way out into the light, ready to make the mad dash to the ocean.
There has been no shortage of tagged turtles coming out of hiding. Volunteers have recorded the turtles last seen up to 26 years ago!
Unfortunately, we’ve also seen no shortage of cat tracks recorded along the turtle nesting beaches again this year.
To see some beautiful images of what the turtles have been up to and to stay up to date with the Ningaloo Turtle Program and conservation on the Cape Range be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram