Upgrades for WA’s most visited national park

Major improvements are planned for the Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park in the State’s south west.

With a funding allocation of $2.7 million, the very popular Cape to Cape track will be upgraded and visitor signage will be improved.

Leeuwin-Naturaliste National Park, with its beautiful coastline and beaches, limestone caves and forest walks attracted more than 4.6 million visits last financial year.

Two million dollars will be spent on the 125-kilometre Cape to Cape Track to enhance the experience for hikers, including improvements to the track surface, infrastructure upgrades, trail realignments to protect culturally sensitive sites and erosion management.

A further $700,000 will be spent on visitor signage.

The funding is part of the WA Government’s $17.7 million National Park Tourism Experiences Development Program.

Works on the track improvements are expected to be completed by mid-2025.