Ways to be Wild

Unleashing your inner Wilderness Warrior is the theme of the current Spring into Parks program, with a wide range of events and activities throughout October and November 2020.

The WA Parks Foundation has sponsored several events in this campaign. Among those that have taken place this month:

  • Partnering with the Hike Collective in promoting family-friendly Perth walking trails in John Forrest and Yanchep national parks.

    Yoga and Mindfulness is Yanchep National Park’s Cabaret Cave | Credit: The Hike Collective.

  • Outdoors WA’s “Happy Campers 101” – a family bonding event. Thirty-four families camped overnight at the Baden Powell campsite in Lane Poole Reserve, Dwellingup. Workshops and activities included: setting up and lighting a campfire; camp cooking, including making a damper; packing a daypack, bird spotting, creating bush art masterpieces and having fun on a family nature scavenger hunt.
  • Perth Waterbike Adventure’s Clean Up Our River event at Matilda Bay, Crawley in collaboration with the WA Parks Foundation, River Guardians and the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA).
  • Educated by Nature’s Imagination Village at the John Forrest National Park nature playground. Children made cubby villages, dressed up and created a tea-party with natural materials.

Upcoming events in the Spring into Parks program are:

7 November: Stargazing and Wildlife Adventure in Dryandra Country

The view of the Milky Way from country WA | Credit: Stargazers Club WA

Enjoy a day of telescopes and wildlife as you take in the wonders of the beautiful Dryandra Woodland and the Wheatbelt town of Narrogin.  Take a picnic to Dryandra Woodland and go for one of the many walks, then finish a perfect day with stargazing at the Thomas Hogg Oval in nearby Narrogin. Discover why Western Australia is a world-class tourism destination for stargazing and astronomy.

This event is supported by the WA Parks Foundation will be run in collaboration with Stargazers Club WA, Lions Dryandra Village, Lions Club of Narrogin and the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attraction’s Parks and Wildlife Service

You can also experience a nocturnal wildlife tour at the Barna Mia Centre within the park prior to or after the stargazing event. Fees apply and, as numbers are limited, advance bookings are essential.

Book your place here!

21 November: Parks and Bush Tucker in the Swan Valley

Dale Tilbrook’s Bush Tucker and Parks in the Swan Valley experience | credit: Maalinup Aboriginal Gallery

Learn about Aboriginal culture at Walyunga National Park. Join Dale Tilbrook (Director of the acclaimed Maalinup Aboriginal Gallery) to see the remnants of Noongar yam gardens.  Experience a taste of the fresh seasonal foods harvested by Noongar people in the area for countless generations.

Click here to get your tickets for the Bush Tucker Tour.