Where the Wildflowers Are
Our best Wildflower season in a decade is underway right now!

Coalseam National Park Everlasting Daises. (Photo: Michael Raukos/ Parks & Wildlife)
Australia’s Coral Coast running from Cervantes to Ningaloo and east to Wildflower Country is blooming with wildflowers. The Coral Coast is known internationally for carpets of everlastings, unique flowers such as the popular Wreath Flower,  Leschenaultia, various orchids and native bush flowers.
Between June to October, our rural sandplains and bushlands burst into colour. Witness one of the world’s true natural wonders found right on your doorstep just north of Perth. The top 12 sites for seeing wildflowers around Perth include Kings Park, John Forrest National Park and Wireless Hill Park, amongst others detailed here.
The Wildflower Society of Western Australia has a good list of spots outside of the Perth area, and Australia’s Coral Coast reports the following activity:
Cream and Yellow Everlasting carpets are currently in bloom. Additionally, purple Dampier Pea and Native Daisy can be found in Carnarvon. Everlasting carpets are:
- North West Coastal Highway, 1 km south of Carnarvon’s OTC Dish
- Roadside at HMAS Sydney Memorial Drive near Oyster Creek turn off
- Miaboolya Beach Road, 22km north of Carnarvon
- Blowholes Road, Carnarvon
Shark Bay
Driving into Denham, stop at Ocean Park Aquarium on the Shark Bay Road. Found on the dunes and close to the beach opposite the Aquarium is Shark Bay Daisies, Tamala Rose, Dune Wattle, Kurara and Wurmbea Odorata.
Blooming now are bush flowers such as Banksias, Hakea, Pink Pokers and Flannel Bush and orchids such as Spider and Snail as well as native flowers like Grevillea, Wattle, Murchison Rose and Thryptomene:
Inland Gorges at the National Park – bush flowers are at Ross Graham and Hawks Head, along the road and carpark. At Nature’s Window, Z-Bend and the Loop (now paved roads, 4WD not required).
Kalbarri Coastal Cliffs – the Mushroom Valley walk trail between Rainbow Valley and Mushroom Rock is in bloom with native flowers. Orchids can be found at Natural Bridge and Red Bluff sites.
Mullewa to Coorow
The everlasting wildflower trail is predicted to be in full bloom mid-August with the Wreath Leschenaultia blooming late August.
The Hotspot for carpets is Coalseam Conservation Park near the town of Mingenew. Mid-August will bring carpets of everlastings throughout this Park and neighbouring Depot Hill Reserve. The town of Tardun, east of Coalseam Conservation Park, is in bloom now with pink everlastings.
Coorow is in bloom with white everlastings, various orchids and giant Salmon Gum mushrooms.
Carnamah, Tenendiwa and Yuna are predicted to have a good coverage of everlastings from mid-August. The towns of Mullewa, Three Springs and Canna are orchid hotspots and tipped to bloom in mid-August.
Pindar’s Wreath Flowers will be in full bloom along the Pindar-Burringarra Road at the end of August.
Western Flora Caravan Park (Eneabba)
Western Flora Caravan Park on the Brand Highway is a hotspot for Orchids which have started to flower with Hooded and Slender Snail orchids out now, with more orchids to come. Golden Wattles and various Hakea like Honeybush and Red Bird Beak now flowering. Casuarina and Egg & Bacon flowers have just started.
Nambung & Lesueur National Park
Several species of bush flowers including Hakea, Templetonia, Fan flower, Cats Claw, Winter Bells are currently blooming at Nambung National Park (Cervantes) and Lesueur National Park (Green Head).
Plenty more to bloom at both National Parks, in addition to Cockleshell Gully Road and Lake Logue Nature Reserve. A 2WD car is suitable; roads are sealed or are compacted gravel. Nearby Stockyard Gully Reserve and Beekeepers Nature Reserve have flowers constantly blooming from July to October – a 4WD is required.