The WA Parks Foundation is an independent not-for-profit organisation.

We’re the official charity partner of Western Australia’s national parks, State forests, conservation, nature and marine reserves.

Founded in October 2016, The WA Parks Foundation’s mission is to ensure our parks are conserved, understood and cared for. Our capacity for conservation and connecting more people to parks depends on the generous support of our corporate partners, volunteers and the community.

Our conservation estate is spectacular and covers more than 32 million hectares, 116 national parks, 20 marine parks and three natural World Heritage Areas. The south-west of our State is one of 36 globally recognised biodiversity hotspots. This rarity also means that it is one of the most at-risk reservoirs of plant and animal life in the world.

Our three main goals are to work with the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, and other land managers, in protecting and enriching our parks; to develop people’s connection to and pride in our parks, and; to drive community and corporate engagement with, and support for, our wonderful parks.

We believe that by connecting people to nature, we will improve wellbeing, environmental outcomes and preserve our unique landscape for future generations.