Kim is the CEO for Kalgoorlie-Boulder Urban Landcare Group. She moved to Kalgoorlie-Boulder nine years ago and her passion is her community, and its future, and raising awareness and education on all things to do with the environment.
This includes managing a native plant nursery, creating an Eco and Cultural Education Centre, water-wise projects, clean-up days, tree planting, recycling and together with her staff and the council, maintaining Karlkurla Bushland Park.
Kim is a member of the Conservation and Parks Commission of WA, conservation interest member on the Pastoral Lands Board, the Vice Chairperson for the Kalgoorlie-Boulder Community Garden, sits on the Board for Rangelands Natural Resource Management Group, Kalgoorlie-Boulder Visitor Centre, is the Chairperson for Kalgoorlie-Boulder Volunteer Centre, a committee member for the Palace Theatre Recreation Centre, Goldfields Naturalists’ Club, Kalgoorlie-Boulder Lotteries House and is an associate member of the Goldfields Nullarbor Rangelands Biosecurity Association.