Feature Urban Park: Beeliar Regional Park


North Lake. Photo: Urban Bushland Council WA Inc

Beeliar Regional Park is located in the south west of the Perth metropolitan area. The Park comprises 26 lakes and many other associated wetlands in two main chains located parallel to the coast.

Beeliar Regional Park provides for a range of passive and active recreation opportunities, including bushwalking and bird watching including strategically positioned bird hides. This park is of particular significance for providing the opportunity to recreate in natural environments that are relatively undisturbed yet close to urban areas. A wide variety of natural features such as the lakes, wetlands and bushland areas as well as coastal environments, provide visitors with a variety of recreation opportunities and experiences.

The diversity of habitat is important to wildlife utilising the park. The wetlands and surrounding areas provide important nesting and feeding habitats, as well as acting as summer refuges for a diverse bird population, many of which migrate here from the northern hemisphere.

Beeliar Regional Park provides excellent opportunities to promote the Healthy Parks – Healthy People ideal, which encourages people to visit and enjoy themselves in parks by raising the awareness of the physical, mental and social health benefits of spending time in nature.

Featured attractions of the park include:

  • North Lake
    North Lake has areas of open parkland and mixed banksia, jarrah, and marri woodland. The area is home to a large number and variety of waterfowl, which inhabit the lake until it dries out each summer.
  • Thomson’s Lake
    Over 10,000 birds visit this internationally important wetland and nature reserve each year to feed before the lake dries out in the summer.
  • Kogolup and Branch Circus
    Kogolup Lake consists of two wetlands that are surrounded by jarrah and banksia bushland.
  • The Spectacles
    The two walk trails at The Spectacles have great opportunities for bird watching. Interpretive signs explain the story of traditional life as told by a Nyoongar elder and there is a bird hide located in the wetlands.
  • Henderson Foreshore
    The Henderson Foreshore area is about 15km south of Fremantle and has a lookout, a walk trail along the cliff top and a longer trail linking to other parts of Beeliar Regional Park.
  • Mt Brown
    Spectacular views of the surrounding landscape including Lake Mt Brown and Cockburn Sound are available from the lookout at the top of the hill. A short and easy walk takes you to a vantage point giving 360 degree views to Cockburn Sound, and inland surrounding areas.
  • Manning Reserve
    There are plenty of opportunities to walk, picnic and relax in this peaceful reserve with a large picnic area next to Manning Lake.

    Manning Lake at Beelair Regional Park. Photo: WA Parks and Wildlife Service